Keyflow Business, is the solution for pre-event and real-time guest list management of each event of a nightclub. It features guest-list management, offline support, real-time request handling, considering the goals of venue producers and their teams.

iOS/Android & Web
2015/5 – 2018/8
Product Designer (B2B)
Agile + Lean UX

iOS/Android & Web
2015/5 – 2018/8
Product Designer (B2B)
Agile + Lean UX
Digital Event Management for Nightlife Professionals
Nightlife management and marketing requires a variety of skills in every event production team. Current tools for event management, marketing and data collection lack specificity to solve nightlife venue problems. Keyflow Business is a unique system crafted for different stages of event-production, starting from event planning to data-collection after event. The system empowers venue-staff and gives event managers direct access to venue clientele for business growth with real-time tools utilising Keyflow platform. Keyflow ecosystem aims to close the gap between venue producers and nightlife guests:

  • Keyflow Business is the main platform for venues to create and promote events, track real-time statistics and collect after-event data about past-events. Helping venues to create events, manage lists, sell admissions and collect meaningful pre-event and after-event data.
  • Keyflow App is the platform for guests where events are published, promoted and users have the power to manage their own VIP-cards and invite friends.

  • The Problem
    Event production, promotion and management on digital platforms comes with multiple challenges for each team-member. Collecting meaningful information during and after event are essentials to understand what is necessary to grow business, host better events and provide better service for venues. Keyflow Team has held an exclusive research of global nightlife producers with the objective to solve specific problems:

  • The ideal scenario is to pre-sell admissions and table-bookings to plan ahead for the venues. However, guests tend to inform venues with short notice.
  • Marketing and promoting events with a nightlife-focused global audience is a challenging process with current tools.
  • Door service is sensitive, time-consuming and can be frustrating for guests. Guests expect transparent and friction-free experiences at the door.
  • Analysis of each event help understand the pain-points and make performance analysis — '(VIP) Name +3' provides no information about the group.
  • The Solution: Keyflow Business
    Keyflow Business is the streamlined solution for event creation, marketing and analysis for every team member of a venue. Guest-list management, table booking, event-updates, VIP creation and unique 'request' possibility helps guests and venues to plan-ahead for the night. Keyflow Business helps nightlife business producers with:

  • Getting closer to global-guests, collect information and reward.
  • Pre-event sales and management to plan-ahead and analyse events and continuous business-growth.
  • Empowering every team member with specific tools created for each role (e.g. venue owner, manager, doorman, etc.).
  • Streamlining event-management with real-time tools (e.g. Requests, Check-in).
  • The Process
    Research: Contextual Analysis, Surveys (guests & venues), Periodic Interviews (venue staff), Focus groups (e.g. Venue owners, Doormen)
    Ideas: Mind Map, Empathy Map, User Journey Map, Personas
    Design: Storyboarding, Design for Accessibility & Localisation, Heuristic Evaluation, Sketching, Wireframing & Zeplin, Documentation (Confluence)
    Prototype: High Fidelity Prototype, Working Prototype (Staging)
    Test-Evaluate: User Testing (individual & groups), Experience Sampling, Field (Feature) Testing, Functional Testing, Testing & Bug Reporting (JIRA)
    Research: Thinking Before Dancing
    Keyflow has been continuously in contact with event-producers and venues in Stockholm from its start. A focus-group including event-producers, promoters and doormen provided feedbacks for feature decisions and iterative improvements. Having nightlife professionals as Keyflow Team members provided better access to venues and other nightlife-professionals. Offline-support, guest-preferences and tags have been crafted based on focus-groups and individual interviews.
    Ideas: Creations of the Night
    Understanding event production and problems of different personas improved the clarity of ideation process. Event-timeline of a venue manager, event promoter or doormen differ from each other. These branching processes inspired new personas and relevant user-journey maps. Synthesis of user-roles has been an early and important step to provide relevant experiences to every team member later on.

    Designing Keyflow Business
    The design system (and visual language) of Keyflow Business differs from Keyflow App. Onboarding process involves user-roles and registration of team-members and venues too. The product is designed to be a real-time and collaborative event-management tool with multiple states and edge cases. The visual design process is based on a new design system and sketch component-library with state-indicators for features like offline-support and additional documentation on Confluence. Keyflow Business iterations have been designed and developed simultaneously with guest-focused Keyflow App. Empty-states, in-App onboarding and older-version support have been important considerations during the visual design-process of Keyflow Business.

    From Ideation to High-Fidelity Design
    Keyflow Business collects and presents several layers of information to venue managers. Check-in Timeline displays real-time check-in data from every team-member using Keyflow Business. Large-scaled venues utilise this information to find the right balance between queue and max. allowed guests inside the venue at the time. Attendance & Activity graphs display how pre-sales and guest lists progress during the night. Finally, admission types are displayed on a daily basis for performance analysis. This analysis helps which events need a boost and which admission types need advertisement through Keyflow Business.

    Test - Evaluate
    At later stages, Keyflow Business has gone through a complete visual re-design with the introduction of a new pricing-model. Larger-sprints in such agile environment require end-to-end testing in staging environment. Internal testing involved multiple team-members testing event creation, ticket scanning and checking-in guests. We also had the chance to run closed-events in collaboration with Absolut and Marshall where we could work with our focus-groups in a real-venue before the release. Keyflow product has over 200 screens/states accordingly, and inter-screen prototypes were built on inVision, in addition to documentation prepared for relevant stakeholders. Micro-interactions in each screen were prototyped using Principle App.

    Keyflow Business has introduced a unique way to streamline and analyse nightclub management. Empowerment of team-members of nightclub management has been at the core of the product development process. Being able to plan-ahead for the venues added to the business value. Venues had the chance to collect information to analyse and improve future-events and reward their guests. Request feature has increased transparency with the venue and the guests removing the hassle of having large number of phone calls during preparation phase. Engagement of the guests and venues were improved by 'request response rate', which motivated venues to have a higher transparency rating. Venues in Scandinavia has embraced the product, using a large portion of its features. Nightlife trends are changing and re-defining event production. Keyflow Business as a growing product, would have these challenges at global-scale:

  • Event management of large-audiences (open-air & festivals) require highly-customisable solutions.
  • Global nightlife practices are different, and price-charts, branding and features would require to be localised as an addition to today's multi-language support.
  • Design of event-pages and venue-pages are based on largely common social-media content for re-usability and agile-improvement of processes. Social-media integration and management are considerable future-features for the product.